School Resources

Academic Programs and Enrichments

Gifted and Talented Program
Burleigh Manor's G/T program is open to all students. Individual classes require placements based on teacher recommendations and other academic factors. Seminars do not require placements and are meant to extend student interests beyond regular classroom instruction.
It’s time to register for this year’s G/T Seminars! Before you register using the links below, please review the basics of G/T Seminar participation:
Our Student Services welcomes and supports students on an individual and school-wide basis. The staff consists of a school counselor for each grade level, a school psychologist, a school nurse and health room assistant, the registrar, and a pupil personnel worker.
BMMS is excited to offer the following after school intramurals for our students! Intramurals can be a great way for students to interact with their peers and make connections with students and teachers in the Burleigh community.

Please refer to the intramural calendar for dates. Dates may be subject to change depending on school closings or any other unexpected school related closings.

Resources for Students

Each student at BMMS is enrolled in a Canvas Course entitled "Burleigh Manor Middle School Student Resources." This course will include information about the Media Center and the Tech Program here at BMMS. Please see Ms. Paulus or Mrs. Randolph if you need help accessing this course.
HCPSS Student Landing Page is the student landing page for all HCPSS systems for students. This page will provide student access to GAFE (Google Apps for Education), Synergy, and Canvas as well as many other systems.


Each student can use three Local discretionary days each year. These days are excused absences for any reason. A form must be filled out and approved before the absence is marked excused. Additional information may be found on the website,, including translated versions.
Please complete form for religious obligation absence.

School Supports

HCPSS promotes the mental health and wellness of each of our students to develop their unique strengths, abilities, and characteristics towards success and well-being.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Rainbow Representative. The BMMS Rainbow Representative is Ms. Robyn Page.
BMMS supports our LGBTQ+ community with school and community opportunities. Please contact Ms. Page,, if you have questions.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Liaison.
HCPSS is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment and fostering strong bonds between schools, military service members and community organizations to support military-connected children and enhance the success of all students.