Parent / Teacher Conferences

The conference window to sign up for Parent /Teacher Conferences opens at 8 a.m., Monday, November 7th via HCPSS Connect Synergy. Parents/guardians must log in with their own credentials. Please check to be sure you are not logged in as your student.

Conferences will be held Monday, November 21st in person and Tuesday, November 22nd and Wednesday, November 23rd, virtually.

How to Sign Up:

  • Log in to HCPSS Connect using parent/guardian credentials
  • Select Conference from the left navigation pane, and click the Parent Scheduled Conferences link in the top right corner.
  • Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically. Once you select a time option, all other time options for that class will become unavailable.
  • To select a different time option, clear the first checkbox and select a new option.
  • If you have more than one student, select the next student in the top left corner.

Additional directions on registering for conferences can be found at online.