School Closure Learning Plan Updates


Middle School Schedule Update

April 14, 2020

Dear Burleigh families,

Good morning!

We hope those of you who celebrate Passover and Easter had restful and peaceful holidays during this time. I’m writing to you today to share important information about this week and next. Your children will also be receiving similar messages from their teachers today through Canvas. In addition, we will post this message, and these links to translations in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish on our Website. 

On April 20, we will begin our next phase of the distance learning model with middle school students and I would like to share important information to help your family prepare. All students will need access to a technology device for approximately two hours each day.

Expectations for this Week

In preparation for the launch of the distance learning model, teachers are creating Canvas posts today that will include a short optional activity for students to complete to re-engage in teacher-directed learning. On Wednesday, April 15, teachers will post a short orientation video in Canvas specific to their class. Students will also have access to an orientation video in their Media and Lunch Canvass courses in Canvas that will explain the weekly routine including the expectations for learning activities and assignments, the dates and times for the weekly virtual class check-ins, and the norms for engaging in check-ins. This week, students are expected to access teacher Canvas homepages to watch the orientation videos, review the preparation information, and access the optional learning activities.

Learning Activities

Beginning April 20, students will engage in learning activities that will take up to two hours per class each week to complete. Weekly assignments will be posted each Monday by 9:00 a.m. and will be due on Friday by 10:00 a.m. 

Virtual Class Check-ins

Regular class check-ins will follow the schedule below. Each class will have one meeting time. Your child’s teacher will determine which of the two designated times will be the check-in time for the class period and communicate the schedule with families and students via Canvas. The time teachers select will remain constant throughout the school closure.

Monday, April 20

  • Period 4/4A Google Meet Check-In: 1:00-1:45 p.m. OR 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Tuesday, April 21

  • Period 1/1A Google Meet Check-in: 8:00-8:45 a.m. OR 9:00-9:45 a.m.
  • Period 5/5A Google Meet Check-in: 1:00-1:45 p.m. OR 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, April 22

  • Period 2/2A Google Meet Check-in: 8:00-8:45 a.m. OR 9:00-9:45 a.m.
  • Period 6/6A Google Meet Check-in: 1:00-1:45 p.m. OR 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Thursday, April 23

  • Period 3/3A Google Meet Check-in: 8:00-8:45 a.m. OR 9:00-9:45 a.m.
  • Period 7/7A Google Meet Check-in: 1:00-1:45 p.m. OR 2:00-2:45 p.m.

A-day/B-day classes will follow a weekly rotation. Assuming the state-mandated closure is extended beyond April 24:

  • April 20-24: A-day classes will be assigned work and have check-ins
  • April 27-May 1: B-day classes will be assigned work and have check-ins 

The A/B schedule will continue to rotate each week for as long as we are engaged in distance learning.

Our team is excited to engage with students and families through this distance learning model. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions.

Thank you,

Mikaela Lidgard Principal Burleigh Manor Middle School

Schedule visual.PNG

This information is also found on the HCPSS website at

For the most up-to-date information on school closure due to Covid-19, including numerous resources related to our continuity of learning plan, grab-n-go meals, and community resources available to support families during this time,  please visit the HCPSS Website at