Grab-N-Go Meals, Continuity of Learning and Corona Virus Information

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Coronavirus Information

In response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, Maryland State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon directed that all Maryland schools close through April 24, 2020. Accordingly, all HCPSS schools, office buildings, and all surrounding outdoor spaces are closed during that time. However, the school system is not shut down and continues to operate remotely.

HCPSS will continue to provide free Grab-N-Go meals, weekdays, through April 24, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at locations throughout the county. Meals are available to any children 18 and under, and all HCPSS students regardless of age. HCPSS’ expanded program includes new locations, and breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and weekend meals.

Information, resources, and HCPSS updates and contact information related to Coronavirus COVID-19 →

Continuity of Learning Resources →