Dear Burleigh Manor Community,
It is hard to believe, but we have completed one full month of the 2022-2023 school year. On behalf of the faculty of Burleigh Manor, it has been a delight getting back to the routines of school and being able to work with your children. We have spent the past month learning new routines, building our learning community and mastering new content.
Next week marks the beginning of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments at Burleigh Manor. MAP is a norm-referenced measure of student growth over time. MAP assessments, joined with other data points, provide detailed, actionable data about where each child is on his or her unique learning path. MAP assessments differ from other data sources used by HCPSS to inform instruction by being nationally normed, by tracking student progress throughout a year and across school years, and by being linked to software tools which can assist teachers and administrators in planning instruction. MAP tests are based on a continuum of skills in mathematics and reading from low skill levels to high skill levels. MAP assessments help teachers identify the instructional level of the student and also provide context for determining where each student is performing in relation to local or state standards and national norms. MAP reports allow teachers to better target instruction based on students’ strengths and needs.
Students do not need to study for MAP assessments. However, we ask that every student put forth their best effort when taking MAP. At Burleigh Manor, we believe that effort is the most critical variable towards student success. When students embrace a growth mindset and understand the importance of effort, they are more willing to accept challenges, learn from mistakes and increase their resilience. Please take some time to have a conversation with your child about the importance of effort in everything they do at Burleigh Manor.
The MAP Family Tool Kit is a great resource for additional information. MAP is a very useful tool for teachers, but we also realize that it is one of many resources we utilize to be as effective as possible in helping your child grow and learn. The partnership between the home and school is essential for student success. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you this year towards your child's well-being and academic success.
Allen Cosentino, Principal