Materials Collection and Distribution Plan at Burleigh Manor Middle School
Save the Date!
What: Materials Collection at Burleigh Manor Middle
When: Multiple times for your convenience
- Monday 8/17 - 5 - 7 PM
- Thursday 8/20 - 9 - 12 PM
- Wednesday 8/26 - 1 - 4 PM
Who: Anyone who has materials belonging to Burleigh Manor
How: Please keep reading!
As we prepare for the upcoming school year it is time to collect the materials that students took home with them on March 13th in order to prepare to distribute materials to our students for this year. Please know that our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of every student, staff and family member during this process. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Students and parents/guardians should remain in their cars during drop-off and pick-up of materials. Students and parents/guardians who will walk/bike to the school should also adhere to social distancing expectations throughout the process and will be directed by HCPSS staff upon arrival.
2. Students and parents/guardians must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times.
3. Please place your items to be returned in a plastic/shopping/grocery bag or box labeled with the student’s first and last name. (bags/boxes will not be returned)
4. If you are able, please print out this paper and include it in your bag to identify what you are returning.
Materials Drop Off
Materials must be returned to the school they were borrowed from (i.e. the student’s 2019-2020 school). All materials returned will sit for a four-day period as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prior to being inventoried. If your child did not attend Burleigh Manor last year, please go to your child's last year school’s website to view their collection plan. If your child attended Burleigh Manor last year, our collection plan is as follows:
We have several times available for materials drop off to accommodate your family's schedule. We have broken times down by alphabet in an effort to maintain social distancing and traffic flow, if you need to come outside of your “assigned time” we will accommodate you.
· Monday 8/17 - 5 - 7 PM
o 5 - 6 PM Last names A - L
o 6 - 7 PM Last names M - Z
· Thursday 8/20 - 9 - 12 PM
o 9 - 10 AM - Last names A - J
o 10 - 11 AM - Last names K - R
o 11 - Noon - Last Names S - Z
· Wednesday 8/26 - 1 - 4 PM
o 1 - 2 PM - Last names A - J
o 2 - 3 PM - Last names K - R
o 3 - 4 PM - Last Names S - Z
To turn in or not to turn in, that is the question:
- YES! Media books, text books
- NO! School issued instruments: At this time you may KEEP any instruments that have been issued by BMMS, please wait for communication from your performing arts director for further information.
- NO! Chrome books issued in the spring of 2020, students will use these chrome books to access distance learning this year.
Materials Pick Up
Students attending Burleigh Manor Middle School in the 2020-2021 school year will pick up materials at our school. Our distribution plan is being developed and we will communicate it as soon as it is finalized.
Thank you for your collaboration in this process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Tiffany Carmean should you have any questions at
This map indicates traffic flow.
Tiffany P. Carmean
Assistant Principal
Burleigh Manor Middle School