Upcoming Middle School Orientations

Do you know any current 5th graders who are coming to Burleigh?


Our Middle School Parent Information session will be held on January 23rd at 6:15 at Burleigh Manor Middle School, with a scheduled snow date of January 30th. Please spread the word!


GT Parent Information Presentation


January 23 from 7:00 - 7:45 pm

Immediately following the general middle school parent orientation

Burleigh Middle School Cafeteria


This presentation will provide an overview of the Howard County Gifted and Talented Education Program for middle school students, with information on G/T content classes, G/T instructional seminars, and placement. All parents and guardians of fifth grade students are encouraged to attend.

Please contact the school’s G/T Resource Teacher, Ms. Robyn Page, at Robyn_Page@hcpss.org or 410-313-2507 for more information.


Special Education Parent Information Presentation


January 23 from 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Immediately before the general middle school parent orientation

Burleigh Manor Middle School Media Center


This  presentation will provide information about Burleigh Manor’s special education department and programming.


Please contact Burleigh’s Special Education Team Leader, Ms. Jessica Petrlik, at jessica_petrlik@hcpss.og or at 410-313-2507 for more information.