A Message from the Front Office

Early Dismissal Reminder For Parents:
Please remember to send a note in the morning with your child on days when he/she will be picked up early from school.  This is very helpful, as we strive to eliminate classroom interruption and also allows for a student to leave class on their own, pack up and be ready in the Counseling Center for pick up.  The student will bring a note to Mrs. Wagner during Homeroom to receive an early dismissal pass.  Please note that parents need to sign students out in the Counseling Center and bring identification into school.   This time of year a note is extremely helpful as students can be outside, in a different classroom, participating in an activity, etc. and pick up can be delayed as we try to locate the student.

Late Arrivals:
Our school has seen an increase in late arrivals recently.  Students should enter school at 7:50 AM so they can arrive in Homeroom by 8:00 AM.  If students are not in Homeroom by 8:00 AM they must sign in at the School Counseling Center.  If a student has three tardies in a quarter they are referred to their School Counselor, at the 4th tardy they are assigned a detention by an administrator. If a student tardies have become excessive they will automatically be referred to the Administrator when coming in late.   A student must be accompanied by a parent or the child must have a note when coming to school late after Homeroom (Homeroom ends at 8:08), even if the reason is unexcused. A note or parent is needed at all times.

Absent Notes:
Please remember to either send in a note within two days after your child is absent or email cwagner@hcpss.org so that the absence can be marked excused.  Please remember to also include in the note or email the reason for their absence.  If a note is not sent in, the absence is marked unexcused.

Vacation Reminder:
It is strongly recommended that parents plan vacation/out of town travel for times when school is not in regular session. It is recognized, however, that occasionally students are absent for necessary or important family activities. When this occurs, prior written notification from a parent is to be approved by an administrator. Please note that if a child is absent longer than 10 days the policy states they will be withdrawn from school. Link to Discretionary Absent Form:   http://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/absence_request.pdf

Thank you for your attention and support in these matters.