A/B Day Calendar Update

Due to the fact that we have missed four B days and had an additional shortened B day for unscheduled early dismissal as of February 7, 2018, and in preparation for all possible inclement weather make-up days, we have made some adjustments and updates to the A day/B day calendar for the remainder of this school year. 
You can find the updates on the attached calendar in red, and a summary is below.   
·       Tuesday, February 20 will be changed from an A day to a B day.
·       If Wednesday, April 4 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
·       If Thursday, April 5 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be an A day.
·       If Friday, April 6 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
·       If Friday, May 18 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.
·       If Friday, June 15 is used as an inclement weather make-up day, it will be a B day.

File 2017 2018 A B CALENDAR UPDATED 2.7.18.docx