2017 Gifted and Talented Enrichment Fair

On the evening of Thursday, May 25, Burleigh Manor Middle School will hold its annual Enrichment Fair from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.  The evening will showcase outstanding student work from Gifted and Talented seminars, student research investigations, and content area classes. Over 100 BMMS students will be presenting!  Mark your calendars and bring the whole family to see our students shine!

Students who would like to present at this year’s Enrichment Fair should RSVP to Ms. Page of their intentions by Friday, April 28. Please email Ms. Page with your RSVP or use the RSVP form included in this quarter’s seminars calendar.

Questions about the BMMS Enrichment Fair should be directed to our G/T Resource Teacher, Ms. Robyn Page, at Robyn_Page@hcpss.org or 410-313-2507.


See you at the Enrichment Fair!